Transfer your ETH seamlessly from Blast to Ethereum Mainnet.
Instant confirmation and zero fee/slippage.
Daily limits apply.
ourbitComplete simple tasks to increase your daily bridge limitourbit
Complete KYC to increase limit
Complete KYC to increase your daily limit to ETH
Share result on X after successful bridging to increase daily bridge limit
Share bridging result on X to increase your daily limit to ETH. (Once per day)
Bridging instructions
  • 1. Ourbit offers a 1:1 bridge of ETH from Blast to Mainnet with 0 slippage.
  • 2. To exchange BlastETH for ETH, generate a BlastETH address and deposit your ETH on Blast.
  • 3. Daily limits apply; bridge live for a limited time only.
  • 4. Ourbit reserves the right to disqualify any participants who engage in dishonest or abusive activities.